Date 14 October 2020
Team PGSOB 2XI (A)
Opposition PMHC L1
Fixture Away
Venue Marjon University
Start time 20:00
Result W 4 - 1
Time played
Match Report

Training Game played with a team similiar to last Saturday vs Ashmoor. With the promise of a potentially weaker opposition the game started with less energy than the weekend game and movement into space was not as strong but this improved with great coaching from Noah at the reviews each third of the game. Strong points that were built on in the game were the press and from this we saw sustained pressure allowing the push of shots and short corners from better penetration into the D. Goals flowed from the first third and Cathan managed a great narrow angle shot to finish up a dominant win. Good points - unselfish finishing (lets keep this up), back transfer was good at latter parts of the game but need to watch positioning (not too deep) and as we showed moreĀ in the last third we need to come to the ball wether defending or attacking.

Sets up the game to Truro this Saturday nicely and to build on winning ways with strong communication.....

Name Squad number Position Scored Assists Cards
Scott Andrews 1
Simon West 3 Defender
Colin Wood 9 Utility
Mike Davison 14 Forward
Nick Clooke 20 Midfielder
Cathan Wherry 29 Forward
Angus Harley 31 Midfielder
Peter Munn 35 Defender
Archie James 39 Forward
Dan Haspel 57 Defender
Joe Coombes 59 Defender
Sam O'Connell 62 Midfielder
Beanie O'Connell 82 Forward
Charlie Irish 90 Midfielder